Not boasting but just a truth…. I am one of the busiest landing page seller on Fiverr (LOL!)
In last 27 days I’ve sold about 50 landing pages. And as of now, I’ve been getting 2-5 landing page orders daily.
I know… for majority of the newbie sellers, getting started on Fiverr is a pain. Because newbie seller has to compete with other big guys who already had big reputation there. So if you are one among those newbies, this article is for you.
1.Be prepared before listing

Selling more gigs is not a rocket science. However, there are 3 factors that encourage buyers to order your gig. Here they are
Factor #1. Position of your gig on the search result
Position varies time to time. Even if you are top seller, your gig will not be shown at the highest position every time. Your gig listing will get maximum exposure if yours is a new listing. And if you fail to get more orders, day by day your listing will get less exposure or it will be partially removed from the results.
Factor #2: The image/video you displayed
Understand what buyers are looking for and how to stand out from the crowd with your video or image you display.
The image you displayed itself should convey the purpose of your gig and encourage buyers to order your gig. So spend some time to make it attractive.
Factor #3: The title and gig description
Title play a big role than description.
The title of my landing page gig is I will design landing page or squeeze page for MAXIMUM CONVERSION for $5.
Here, the term maximum conversion helped me a lot. Marketers started hiring me as they are looking for increasing their conversion rate.
2. Remove gig listing if you fail to get any order for first 7-14 days

Search results visibility on fiverr works based on a simple principle. It is to give opportunity to as many as sellers and help them sell their gigs instead of promoting only few big sellers.
So here is exactly how Fiverr search visibility works.
Imagine that you created a specific gig now. As a new gig, your gig will get good exposure on the search pages category pages and on other pages. Fiverr will check how great the gig is performing.
If the gig performing great, you will get consistant periodical exposure in a day. But if your gig performance is worse your gig will get lower visibility and will be partially or fully removed from the first page.
So if you could not win any order in 2 weeks better to remove the gig listing. Create a new gig and try changing the category or other elements and test which works well.
3. Start selling related gigs

just interrelated!!
Because I started getting request from my potential clients now I am also providing related gigs/services on Fiverr.
Apart from landing page design, now I also provide ebook cover page design and header design. As many people are giving away free ebooks on their landing page these gigs also have higher demand among my clients.
So start selling related gigs on Fiverr.
4. Learn the upselling principle

A couple of months ago, I read an article from my blogging buddy Greg Narayan. The article discusses about importance of upselling.
Though, I am not new to the upselling principle this post deeply explain it. I highly recommend you to read it once if you’ve not yet read it. So here is the article: The Shot Glass Technique: How to Upsell for More Conversions
Simply, upselling is an art of asking an already interested costumer if they want a little more.
In real life, we experience upselling in many ways. Here are some excerpts from Greg’s post.
This simple principle helped me to earn $20-$50 per day consistently.
5. Money Lies on Higher Levels

Since I got level up, almost 50% of Fiverr income is from extra gigs
Fiverr is not just a $5 crap. Its real business and a good game. So if you played it correctly you can make really big money from it.
Before leveling up, I used to sell landing page gigs for only $5. But now, I have been selling the same gig of landing page for $30 with some small extra gigs. That is 600% increase!!
6. Maintaining 100% gig rating is harder

As people could buy gig for $5, most of the buyers are not serious buyers. Some of the buyers hype about their product or services but while asking about requirements, they will not be so clear.
So these guys are real head ache for any seller.
But one thing you should always remember is that treat your customer like a king. Behave like your customer is always true.
If you could not understand your buyer, ask for more clarification or cancel the order by mutual agreement.
Nothing is worse like late delivering a work. Once you get a negative feedback, know that it is for life. You can never get 100% rating again.
7. Instant reply is always better
Before purchasing a gig, some buyers used to contact more than one seller who provide same services.
So once you’ve seen a message, reply instantly.
In most of the cases, the order will goes to the seller who replied quickly to the buyer.
Bonus tip: Avoid terms like money, email, skype, payment etc, while listing your gig
According to Fiverr ToS, you should not contact your buyer or make payment outside Fiverr.
So avoid using words like money, email, skype, payment etc. if you don’t really needed it.
If you are a seller who sell private coaching on fiverr, you may need skype id of your buyer. No problem at all.
In fact, there is no restriction for using such words on your gig page.
If you use any of those words your gig will be submitted for review before it get published. That’s only the problem
Source :wpblogtips
Source :wpblogtips
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